A key measure of how well our education system is working is whether graduates can earn enough to support themselves and their families. Comparing their earnings to a living wage—what it costs to cover basic needs—helps us assess this.
In 2023, the living wage for a single person in Harris County with no dependents was $42,158. Among the high school class of 2017, only those with bachelor’s degrees earned more than that six years later. Those with professional certifications came close, indicating that they may represent an opportunity for our graduates and system. Awarded by two-year colleges, these certifications can often be attained within only a semester or two, so the time and financial commitment required is significantly less than an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. Currently, though, only 3-4% of graduates attain one. Regardless, most graduates, nearly three-quarters, do not have any postsecondary education and only earned median wages of about $31,000. The figures seen below include graduates working full-time jobs but don’t account for gig or contract work.

Postsecondary credentials are essential to living wage attainment. Compared to graduates with no postsecondary credential, graduates with certifications or degrees were much more likely to meet living wage standards:
Bachelor’s degree holders were 3.8x more likely,
Professional certification holders were 3x more likely, and
Associate’s degree holders were 2x more likely to earn a living wage.
Still, the vast majority of graduates did not earn a living wage. Even among bachelor’s degree holders, just under half met living wage standards for a single earner household with no dependents. For earners with dependents, the numbers were even more startling: only 4% of 2017 graduates made enough six years after high school to support themselves and a single dependent.

These numbers highlight two key points. First, our education system needs to do more to help students gain the skills and credentials they need after high school. With more jobs requiring education beyond a high school diploma, it’s not sustainable for so many graduates (73%) to lack postsecondary credentials.
Second, ensuring graduates can earn enough to support themselves isn’t just about what happens in schools—it’s also about employers. Companies should reconsider the wages they offer, even to skilled workers. If we want our region to thrive and attract top talent, we all need to work together—schools, employers, and the community—to better prepare and value our workforce.