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Thank you for joining our mission to increase the number of Houston kids learning in high quality public schools. More than half of all kids in Houston aren’t getting the education they need to thrive, but thanks to you, we can change that.
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Questions on RFP Details
Can you confirm that the timeframe for the Evaluation Framework is July 2021-December 2021 and not 2022 as listed?
That is correct and the PDF has been updated to reflect the revision. The entire project is expected to be completed by July 2022.
Can you provide any additional context about the impetus for this request?
We are currently in the process of Phase 2 Planning. An organizational learning from Phase 1 was that we need to build a clear and comprehensive organization-wide logic model at the beginning of our work to guide progress monitoring and evaluation of impact, as well as build the team’s capacity for monitoring and evaluation.
Is your organization wanting/expecting the contracted team to be able to meet in-person at one or more points during the consultancy?
We anticipate a majority of the work to be done virtually, but are open to in-person meetings or workshops as recommended by the consultant.
Are you looking for specific skills or backgrounds in a consultant?
We are looking for a consultant with skills and backgrounds needed to execute on all three components of the project, including refining a Theory of Change and Logic Model, building out a plan for monitoring progress and measuring impact towards goals, assessing and building team capacity for monitoring and measuring, and codifying learnings for broader audiences.
We will consider the organization and project team’s experience delivering on similar projects and with previous clients similar to Good Reason Houston in terms of organizational structure, size, model complexity, mission, and goals. We will also consider how your organization seeks to center diversity, equity, and inclusion through your proposed approach and broader work as an organization.
What key stakeholders/groups will be involved in the development of the evaluation framework?
We expect that different members of the broader Good Reason Houston team will be involved, including the Leadership Team, cross-functional groups, external-facing staff, and members of the Advancement, External Affairs, Program, and Strategy Investments teams. We are also open to engaging external stakeholders including Board members, district partners, partnering organizations and others as recommended by the consultant.
How many staff and in what roles do you expect to be involved in the capacity building effort?
Based on current staffing, we anticipate that the consultant will be working primarily with the S&I Team (1 Chief, 2 Managers) on capacity-building engaging different members of the broader Good Reason Houston team either through direct capacity-building or a train-the trainer model. Our programmatic teams, which include District Support and Talent, New Schools Launch, and External Affairs comprise approximately 15 staff. We are also open to engaging other staff as needed to build their capacity to collect data and progress monitor on other metrics relevant to our Logic Model (e.g. ROI Analysis, Website engagements, etc.)
Do you have an estimated percentage of the total effort that you see going to each of the three phases?
We do not have an estimated percentage, though we do anticipate that the Evaluation Framework will be a heavier lift during the first 2-3 months of the projects as we plan for the academic year.
Questions on Good Reason Houston’s Background
Can you please clarify if GRH contracted with a consultant to design all or part of the district partnership model in Phase 1?
We did not contract with a consultant to design all or part of the district partnership model. We developed logic models internally as we planned and evolved our efforts.
How many partner projects will come under the umbrella of the Good Reason Houston project that would be incorporated into the organizational logic model or that influence the work and outreach of Good Reason Houston?
Our work in Phase 2 will likely include approximately 8-12 distinct district- or campus-facing strategies, though we do not yet know the exact number of partnerships. These include strategic supports to districts as well a campus specific interventions. We also will include additional workstreams in our community-building efforts to engage families, build communities of practice, develop a policy agenda, and conduct public information campaigns. The number of partner projects in this latter bucket is to be determined.
Are there any recent existing data Good Reason Houston has collected or used to inform its strategic refinement process (e.g., administrative records or surveys)?
Administrative data used include A-F Campus Ratings released by the Texas Education Agency, as well as data on key Academic and Postsecondary Outcomes. Our A-F Dashboard, Campus Indicator Dashboard, and District Indicator Dashboard provide frequently used data visualizations used internally to inform our work, including strategy refinement.
We also collected data through surveys from campus and district staff who received our support in Phase 1, step-back discussions with external partners, and focus groups with internal staff to inform the strategic refinement process.
Is GRH on track to meet its goal of 60,000 students by 2025? How many students has GRH reached in its goal to date?
Our 60,000 seats goal is based upon the Texas Education Agency’s Accountability Rating System. Seats are measured by student enrollment in campuses rated C, D, or F by the Texas Education Agency that receive an A or B through Good Reason Houston’s partnership. Due to COVID-19, the TEA did not release ratings for the 19-20 school year. The reach of our partnerships includes approximately 40,000 seats in 50 schools, but we do not have data yet to determine whether they have converted their accountability rating.
Are you able to provide any information about the evaluation tools that the Strategy and Investments team developed in Phase 1 to prospective bidders?
The Strategy and Investments (S&I) Team helped develop the following tools:
- Logic Models and Progress Monitoring Metrics – S&I Conducted an all team training during Phase 1 to define and support teams in building out Logic Models. An example can be found below for our School Transformation work, which targets D- and F- rated campuses. The full set of Logic Models may be shared with consultant in the onboarding process
Activities | Inputs | Outputs | Year 1 Metrics | Phase 1 metrics | Long term impact |
Invest in and implementation support for School Restart (Accelerating Campus Excellence) at # campuses |
$ invested # FTE providing implementation support
# schools # students impacted |
# students in ACE campuses | # students in A- or B- converted campuses | Every child has access to high-quality school |
- High Quality Seats Plan – At the onset of Phase 1, the S&I team build a high-quality seats plan that laid out the number of campuses we would aim to reach with each strategy in order to impact 60,000 seats. This plan may be shared with the consultant in the onboarding process.
- Progress to Goal Tracker – This cross-team was built to monitor progress across all initiatives and was updated on a quarterly basis. Teammates were asked to share a quick update on the progress based on milestones and, where relevant, metrics reached to date. This tracker may be shared with the consultant in the onboarding process
- Data Dashboards – Dashboards for Campus Indicators, District Indicators, and A-F Accountability Ratings can be found here. These were developed for internal use to help drive strategic decisions, but are available to the public.
Can the program-specific logic models from Phase 1 be shared?
Due to the complex and, in some instances confidential nature of our work, we prefer not to share these logic models without significant added context. We will share all relevant documents with the selected consultant at the beginning of the engagement. One example logic model can be found in the response to question 11.
How many project-specific logic models have been developed? With how many schools are you currently working?
In Phase 1, we developed have project-specific logic models for 20 programmatic areas, including:
- School Turnaround (See response to question 11)
- Talent Pipeline Development
- Pre-K Access
- College Access
- Family Engagement
- Community Engagement
- Policy Advocacy
We are currently working with approximately 50 schools.
What evaluation activities took place during Phase 1? Were these carried out internally or did you work with an external evaluation team? Would the findings be available to the selected evaluation partner for Phase 2?
Good Reason Houston conducted internal analysis based on available data. We did not conduct an impact evaluation. Our analysis focused on progress monitoring. We will share these findings with the selected consultant as an input for the Evaluation Framework and Capacity Building project.
Have you established data sharing agreements with target districts or would this be a responsibility of the evaluation partner?
We typically establish Data Sharing Agreements with our partner districts at the onset of a formal partnership. The evaluation partner may suggest metrics to be included in any future Data Sharing Agreements.
How have you navigated IRB/RRB within Houston school districts in the past? Will this be a challenge or something you are familiar with navigating?
To date, we have relied on publicly available data for our analysis of Houston schools and districts. Any other data collected by districts and shared with Good Reason Houston is governed under data sharing agreements with the district and are aggregated by district staff. We do not anticipate a need to conduct original human subjects research, but if a need arises we would need to build capacity to obtain IRB/RRB approval.
Questions on Proposal Requirements
Do you have any requirements for font size, spacing or page limits?
We do not have a page limit or formatting requirements, but do suggest that prospective organizations keep proposals as concise as possible. Under 15 pages without appendices is recommended.
Can the proposal include appendices?
Proposals may include relevant appendices.
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