
House Bill 3 Passes

Good Reason Houston commends Texas Legislature on School Finance Reform Bill

HOUSTON – The Texas Legislature announced plans to pass House Bill 3, a comprehensive school finance reform bill that will substantially increase the state’s investment in public education for the first time in almost 35 years. Throughout the 86th Legislative Session, Good Reason Houston has advocated for a school finance reform package that provides additional state dollars into public education. We also supported policies around early childhood learning and strategic compensation for teachers, and the Legislature has delivered on all accounts.

House Bill 3 contains elements that reflect Good Reason Houston’s legislative priorities including:

  • additional funding for economically disadvantaged students
  • full-day pre-K for low-income students
  • strategic compensation for teachers
  • additional funding for each student who graduates college, career, or military ready

We commend our legislators’ efforts to prioritize public education and are especially appreciative of Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen for ensuring school finance reform was the top priority this legislative session.  Furthermore, our region is well represented by the leadership of Senate Education Committee Chairman Larry Taylor and House Public Education Committee Chairman Dan Huberty.  Both Chairmen spent 2018 studying how to improve our public school funding system through their service on the Texas Commission on Public School Finance.  Their commitment and dedication to Texas students is unparalleled.

“We are thrilled our legislative leaders have demonstrated their commitment to all children across our state,” said Alex Hales Elizondo, Good Reason Houston CEO. “Their tireless work to pass HB 3 and put children first will benefit our schools and region for years to come.”

This momentous legislation will increase the state’s funding for public schools and decrease the burden of recapture on our local districts. Most importantly, HB 3 will support our local schools as they work to ensure that every child, in every neighborhood, excels in a world-class public school and thrives in the Houston of tomorrow.


About Good Reason Houston

Good Reason Houston is an education nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that every child, in every neighborhood, excels in a world-class public school and thrives in the Houston of tomorrow. The organization is on a mission to increase the number of Houston area students learning in great schools. To achieve its mission, Good Reason Houston partners with school districts—both traditional and charter—and supports district leaders in improving existing schools and creating new, high-performing schools. Learn more at goodreasonhouston.org.

Sarah Brock, Director of Communications

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