
Pandemic Preschool: Should I send my child to pre-K? The benefits of early childhood education

As we live through this pandemic, information is moving fast. Changes are happening each day, and it can be difficult to navigate the latest information. In the past year, teachers have given their all to adapt and above all–keep our kids safe. 

New protocols are in place to keep physical spaces clean and exposure low. New tech and apps have been used to reach students effectively. Creativity and innovation have thrived as educators prioritize in-person learning, which we know is the best place for our children to learn and grow.

Education is most important to our youngest learners: children develop 90% of their brain by age 5. That means their brain is almost full grown before kindergarten! 

Read on to learn more good reasons to consider sending your child to preschool this coming school year.

Pre-K is safe

Schools and teachers are following proven CDC guidelines, which outline national safety instructions to keep schools as safe as possible. According to the CDC, “although children can be infected with SARS-CoV-2, can get sick from COVID-19, and can spread the virus to others, less than 10% of COVID-19 cases in the United States have been among children and adolescents aged 5–17 years (COVID Data Tracker).” Similarly, the data shows us that in-person learning in schools has not been associated with substantial community transmission. 

In fact, young students (aged under 10) are even less likely to be infected than adolescents (ages 10-12).1 The benefits of learning and development for 3- and 4-year-olds far outweighs the risks in this case. 

Benefits of Pre-K at goodreasonhouston.org

Pre-K is the most important year of school

In their entire school career, pre-K is the most critical year. It’s where students learn letters, numbers, following directions, and gain their confidence for years to come. Parents are trying to do it all. And moms, dads, and guardians are struggling. It’s important for our young kids to be in a safe classroom environment with a trained educator and with other kids so they can socialize and develop emotionally, as well as academically.

Pre-K is free to those who qualify

School districts in the greater Houston area offer free programs to families who meet income or language criteria. Pre-K is a low-cost, yet high-quality option to ensure that our kids receive important instruction and don’t fall behind. To find out more about eligibility and your school options, visit PreKHouston.org. In addition, there are pre-K experts at each campus who are happy to assist you (Spanish-speaking too!). Call the pre-K hotline with any questions: 713-589-8767 (Families Empowered Call Center)

April is pre-K enrollment month–sign up your child today! Don’t miss out on the most important year of your child’s learning. Follow Pre-K Houston on facebook to stay up-to-date.

Questions? Email prekhouston@goodreasonhouston.org

1 – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/transmission_k_12_schools.html

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