
Data Dashboard

Explore our Data Dashboard

Explore our interactive Houston Public Schools Data Portal. These public datasets will quantify and inform your decision-making about the state of public education in Houston. 

Explore State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) scores over time in students’ math and reading proficiency progress.

Compare schools based on critical performance measures.

Track students’ progress based on critical educational milestones.  

Compare districts based on critical performance measures. 

Each year, Good Reason Houston will provide a data-driven snapshot of student outcomes in the Houston Area, as well as for Houston ISD, the Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area, and Harris County. These snapshots show how our region is doing at preparing students along their education pathway, through five key indicators (from pre-K enrollment through postsecondary completion).

Houston-Woodlands-SugarLand MSA Snapshot


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